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Phone: +56 32 250 8700

Address: Avenida Gran Bretaña Nº 644

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How to arrive:

From Aeropuerto Internacional Arturo Merino Benítez to Valparaíso:

If you travel via plane to Chile, arriving to Aeropuerto Internacional Arturo Merino Benítez, Santiago (Capital of Chile) and wish to go to Valparaiso on the Pacific Coast, distant about 108 km., you may do so via taxi, bus or transfer.

Via Taxi: the airport offers taxi services that can take you directly to Valparaíso for between CLP $60.000 (US$100 approx) and CLP $80.000 (US$120 approx).

Via Bus: There is no direct bus service to Valparaiso from the airport. You must use a local transfer bus (CLP$ 2.000 approx) towards the Pajaritos Metro Bus station on the outskirts of Santiago and from there take an interurban bus towards Valparaíso (CLP$10.000 approx. for a round trip)

From Valparaíso Bus Terminal to the CEAAS of the U. de Valparaíso

From the Valparaíso Bus Terminal walk towards Av. Errázuriz (four blocks north, towards the sea) and there take BUS No 216 (Green and white bus) or BUS No 602 (Orange and grey bus) towards the west, to Cerro Playa Ancha. Ask the bus driver to  tell you when you have reached Calle Gran Bretaña near of Plaza Waddington in Playa Ancha (about 15 - 20 minutes travel time, distant ssome 5.6 km).